DecisionQuest Mock Trial Helps Defense Team Garner a Winning Verdict in a Motor Vehicle Wrongful Death Suit

Mock trial with DecisionQuest

An online mock trial facilitated by DecisionQuest helped a defense team in a motor vehicle wrongful death case in Florida identify their most persuasive arguments for trial. The research project also assisted with developing a strategy to defuse the plaintiff’s arguments and in assessing the defense’s exposure if the case were to go to trial.   

About The Case 

In Lee County, Florida, a man on a bicycle was tragically struck by a motor vehicle. Before his death, the victim suffered for many months in the hospital with multiple surgeries, amputations, and hospital-related complications. The counsel for the defendant knew the case had the potential for substantial damages if they lost.   

John Miller, counsel for the defense, knew that because of the potential for high damages, he and his firm were defending a must-win case.  Mr. Miller turned to Dr. Stuart Miles of DecisionQuest (A U.S. Legal Support Company) to conduct a single-day virtual mock trial to help answer the following questions:  

  • What are the strongest liability arguments for the defense?  
  • Which of the plaintiff’s arguments pose the biggest threat to the defense, and how can we defend against them?  
  • What are our blind spots in the case?  
  • How effective is the plaintiff’s accident reconstruction animation?   
  • What are the juror’s reactions to the damages being requested by the plaintiff, and should the defense suggest an alternative damage anchor?   

Click below to download the full case study and learn more about how DecisionQuest can assist in mock trials.

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