Elevate Analysis with Fast, Accurate, and Dynamic AI Deposition Summary Services

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In the complex world of litigation, every detail counts, but time is scarce. How can you quickly distill lengthy deposition transcripts into concise, digestible summaries to increase productivity and accelerate case strategy? Say hello to Deposummary Pro™ .

DepoSummary Pro™ takes care of the heavy lifting by leveraging best-in-class AI technology to quickly review hundreds of pages of testimony to deliver a thorough and accurate deposition transcript summary, complete with multiple layers of summarization for ease of review. Now you can spend less time on manual transcript review and more time on strategic case activities.

AI deposition summaries

Identify key testimony, enhance strategic decision-making, and allocate more time to critical case development.

Leverage U.S. Legal Support’s deposition summary services to enhance the efficiency of your legal processes. Our AI-generated transcript summary is dynamic, editable, and available within our secure Client Portal, making it easy to review along with the final transcript. Take a look at some of the core features:

Example of a deposition summary generated by U.S. Legal Support’s DepoSummary Pro™
  • Testimony Abstract: Included with every transcript summary is a testimony abstract, providing a succinct overview of what was covered throughout the entire proceeding, including answers to major lines of inquiry.
  • Organized into Key Sections: Analyzing the full transcript, DepoSummary Pro™ groups segments of testimony into key sections for a more complete narrative overview.
  • Explicit Statements & References: Within each section, admissions and testimony are summarized at the page-line level, providing direct reference and quick access to each specific statement for ease of review.
  • Fully Editable: The transcript summary is delivered in both PDF and fully editable Word formats for easy modification.
  • Linked Page-Line Citations: With hyperlinked page-line references, you can quickly jump to key portions of testimony for review within the final, linked transcript.
  • Live Table of Contents: Use the hyperlinked table of contents to quickly find and navigate to critical segments of the transcript.
  • Quick Navigation: Multiple options on each page let you easily navigate throughout the document, return to the table of contents, and quickly find what you’re looking for.
  • Quick Reference Information: Each transcript summary includes a reference section, complete with proceeding name, date, location, and witness name.
  • Best-Practice Security: AI utilization adheres to U.S. Legal Support’s best practice cybersecurity protocols, including SOC 2 Type 2 and HIPAA compliance. Your sensitive case and client information will not be shared, stored, or used by open AI engines to train their models.
  • Easy Access: The transcript summary is delivered within our SOC 2 Type 2 & HIPAA compliant Client Portal.

Included with every transcript summary is a testimony abstract, providing a succinct overview of what was covered throughout the entire proceeding, including answers to major lines of inquiry.

Use the hyperlinked table of contents to quickly find and navigate to critical segments of the transcript.

Analyzing the full transcript, DepoSummary Pro™ groups segments of testimony into key sections for a more complete narrative overview.

Multiple options on each page let you easily navigate throughout the document, return to the table of contents, and quickly find what you’re looking for.

Within each section, admissions and testimony are summarized at the page-line level, providing direct reference and quick access to each specific statement for ease of review.

Each transcript summary includes a reference section, complete with proceeding name, date, location, and witness name.

With hyperlinked page-line references, you can quickly jump to key portions of testimony for review within the final, linked transcript.

Hover over any circular dot on the image above to learn more about the feature.

Transcript samples used are for demonstrative purposes only and are from publicly available records.

About U.S. Legal Support

As one of the leading providers of litigation support services, U.S. Legal Support is the only litigation support company that provides a full suite of court reporting solutions, record retrieval, interpreting & translations, trial services and transcription services to law firms, major corporations and insurance companies nationwide. Our trial services include trial preparation, legal graphics, jury research, mock trials, technical services, and more. We have on-demand access to 12,000+ offices in over 2,700 cities across the country to present onsite and remote deposition services with our network of professional court reporters.